A downloadable game

Clockwork is a point and click, horror-adventure "bureaucracy simulator" where you take up the role of a government agent, an exorcist, and cleanse peoples' souls of demons that torment them. 

If you wish to follow the development process more closely join the Aeprikot Discord Server: discord.gg/eGntFgKAQX and/or follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aeprikot



Greetings, dear employee and welcome to your new job as an Exorcist, here at the city of Erichsburg, Hohenstern Quarantine Region. Don't mind the lack of memories of your former self, better hear about this exciting new career that you have chosen! 

Welcome to Your Office!

As the workday begins, you find yourself in your very own exorcist's office! This is your workspace, the place where you'll question your fellow citizens and face foreign entities. Look around, make yourself at home.

Our Beloved Citizens

Throughout the day you will be visited by various citizens of Erichsburg, some human and some  not so much! Your job is to examine them and determine if they need an exorcist's assistance. Don't shy away from digging deep into their files and asking personal questions,  Salvation permits such actions and Salvation knows best.


Exorcism Procedure

In case a possession is determined it is your job to perform an exorcism. Unlike the good old days, modern exorcism is a precise, almost algorithmic procedure. The steps are as follows.

  •  Insert the Sanacard into the main terminal and initiate the procedure.
  • Perform a gnostic scan of the entity to determine it's Power Spectrum. Demons are defined by their Power Parameters, four in total. Look through the spectrum and find them.
  • Examine and interact with the entity for better results. You might need to get close. No touching!
  • Input the Power Parameters and confine the demon to the Sanacard.
  • Finish off the procedure and repeat!

Not so hard now, is it?

The Demons.

Always remember that whatever you're facing off against is ontologically opposed to the very concept of "human" and while some might appear docile (or even benevolent) most will skin you alive if you look away for too long.


No entity will act aggressively if directly observed. Always keep your eye on them. Alas, looking at one for too long renders your soul vulnerable for the demon's influence. Look away and replenish your soul? Concentrate on the demon and not let it do it's evil? The choice is yours! Aren't you excited yet?

Tools at Your Disposal

Pulse Device

If the critters get too handy a gnostic pulse, performed via the pulse device, will calm them down, if only temporarily. It might, in fact, "calm you down" as well, so be careful with how much you use it.

The Trusty Axe

If all else fails use the axe, which can be found on the wall right behind you. No matter how inhuman, demons are still made of flesh, so blunt force, applied in proper quantities,  gets the job done. 


If fighting isn't plausible, just hide, it'll leave eventually... maybe.

Penalty Score

Your every action is being monitored. Every mistake will be penalized. If your penalty score gets high enough the mandate of termination will be applied, considering the sensitive nature of your profession. Can't have stray exorcists running around, y'know?

Alright, that's it for now! Hope to meet you on your first shift. The second one too, if possible. 

Pro Terrae HominumQue Salute.

Salve Salutis.

~ A. G. 

Development log

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