Beta 1: Development Overview 2: Lobby Shenanigans

If you wish to follow the development process more closely: 

Once again we meet. Vaguely one month has passed and in that time I have accumulated some progress that I will share today, what joy! The progress this time around might seem small, but let me assure you, it's significance cannot be overstated. Not everything added will be shown this time, unfortunately as I would not want to spoil all of the content in a devlog, but hopefully what is shown will be enough to demonstrate the work done. Let us begin then.

Beta 1: Development Overview 2

PO 1.2

  • Visitor updates
    • Added File Assembly Mechanic
    • Added the Lobby Mechanic
  • Other
    • Changes made to the Terminal Menu
    • Added All the Visitors for the Beta 
Visitor Updates

Some minor updates have been made to the way visitors work. Each visitor now has a list required items that need to be placed into their file. The items on the list depend on various circumstances and failure to assemble the file properly will get the player penalized.

The Lobby

Clockwork is a horror game and there is nothing more terrifying than basic human interaction. 

The visitors can no longer be called from the office, nor will they appear in a pre-defined order. To call a visitor, the player now needs to get up and go to the lobby, where a set of visitors will await them.  Once in the lobby, the player has to manually choose which visitor to summon, they better look closely, wouldn't want to invite someone... not quite human.

Due to the inclusion of the lobby, old terminal menu with the "call next visitor" command has been made obsolete which triggered a change to the menu. The changes to the terminal will not be shown now as they aren't yet fully complete. Some future mechanics will simplify the menu even further and I will show it once all of the changes have been made.

And Finally

To end this log I would like to happily announce that all of the visitors planned for the Beta have been drawn and added to the game. While not yet fully implemented, they are nonetheless functional and can be summoned and interacted with. The graphics were easily the most time consuming part of the whole process and with them done the rest of the implementation will be trivial.

And that's about it. Hope you enjoyed what you've just read and if you wish to come along with me on this journey feel free to follow this account or the links at the top. Have a good day and see you soon!

~ Aeprikot

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