Entry Zero: Hey all, what's up?

So, greetings, Itichio nation. It's my first time here so pardon me if my actions appear uncustomary, I promise I'll integrate. Now it is very likely that you have stumbled upon this page for what appears to be a game. If so you did, you might have been troubled by the lack of, well, a game on said page. Well remain troubled no more dear stranger the explanation is simple. 


You see this page is dedicated to the development process of Clockwork, a "bureaucracy simulator" where you take the role of a government agent, an exorcist, cleansing the souls of people from demons that torment them. I was originally posting devlogs on Xwitter (which I still do btw) which amounted to a fine cry into the void. At some point I have decided that if I'm gonna shout into the void, might as well shout into two and thus the idea to make a page dedicated to sharing beta builds of the game, to make it a lil' bit more interactive, a lil' bit more fun and perhaps even build some audience in the process. 

It all went well, the first beta was supposed to be complete by this time, but then, the unspeakable happened. The day unity shattered I realized that porting the game to a different engine was inevitable, which I currently do. 

Now the porting will take some time but I figured I'll make the page public anyway so that I can use it for more proper devlogs (Xwitter is obviously not very good for that) and have some solid ground when the beta IS done.

Modern Day


I am currently porting the game to Godot (such bravery), you can see a more In-depth progress over on my Xwitter and you can follow too! I do understand the moral implications of asking people to use twitter but follows do give me dopamine and that's all that matters really.

Most of the stuff on this page is taken from the antiquated unity build of the beta and will most likely be replaced as the Godot build matures. I don't know if the old build will ever see the light of day, it's not really playable and all things considered it might turn into a time-bomb. If enough people ask (<- delusional) I might find a way to safely release it but we'll see.

I do believe that shouting in TWO voids now will be a fruitful endeavor and I hope and eagerly invite you to join me in this journey. Take care.

~ Aepricot

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